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Wave Terminator GL5 10/14 Khz Metalldetektor


XP Deus 1 X35-28er / Rutus Versa
Schaut aus wie ein Goldenmask 4 :) Nur mit anderer Frequenz.

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Wave Terminator GL5 10/14 Khz is a modern metal detector with very good parameters, which in no way inferior to metal detectors produced by Western companies. The device's positive effect is its easy setting, impact resistance and ease of use.

Wave Terminator GL5 is a two-frequency metal detector with manual and fixed ground balance and an option of 2 tones of discrimination - high tone in the presence of color and low tone for the presence of black (ferrous) metal. Ability to exclude binomial discrimination and switch to nonferous metal only. The detector is suitable for all types of terrain with the possibility of manual and fixed ground balance. Operating frequency 10 khz or 14 khz.

• Light and sturdy ABS box;
• Lightweight detector with good balance;
• Sturdy handle;
• Three-piece rod;
• Lower carbon rod;
• Automatic charger, optimally designed to charge and save the batteries.

• Operating frequency -10/14 Khz;
• Working mode - with movement;
• Automatic ground balance;
• Manual ground Balance;
• Sound separation of metals,Option 2 splitting tones
• Adjust the degree of separation the metals;
• Adjusting the search depth;
• Adjusting the tone tone;
• Adjust the volume;
• New, completely redesigned electronics, combining productivity and high level of sensitivity;
• Power supply - a pack of 10 rechargeable batteries 1.2V AA / 1000mAh;
• Working time with one charge - min 20 hours;
• LED status control of the battery;
• Headset output;
• 28 cm DD searchcoil.


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